Risk Project Management – Why is a Risk Analysis necessary?
A risk analysis is a key step during any kind of project to identify potential failures and the means of protection to avoid them.
PARIFEX Exhibits at MENA Energy Meet
PARIFEX is proud to take part in the MENA Energy Meet – Virtual Expo and Summit, November 2-3, for global and regional energy stakeholders.
NEWSLETTER #1 – Editorial by Franck Peyré, PARIFEX CEO
I am very pleased to write the editorial of the PARIFEX first newsletter that aims to maintain the privileged relationship between our teams and you.
How Data Collection helps Cities to become Smarter
Data collection through innovative solutions is a substantial step to successfully digitalize cities and their urban planning.
Meet PARIFEX at Virtual ITS European Congress
PARIFEX is pleased to participate in the virtual ITS European Congress, November 9-10.
Road Safety Challenges
The World Health Organisation states that road traffic injuries will represent one of the main cause of death in the world. But how to do to ensure road safety?
Parifex speeds towards AI
Paris-based camera specialist is branching out in ITS with 3D-Lidar technology. French road enforcement specialist Parifex is diversifying into new areas using the 3D-Lidar technology
WEBINAR – Optimize your Real-Time Data Collection
Optimized mobility, real-time data collection, traffic management, etc., discover how to improve the collection of your traffic data.
PARIFEX Exhibits at the Energy Exports Conference 2020
PARIFEX is pleased to take part in the virtual Energy Exports Conference 2020!